Caldo de pollo/ Chicken soup

Cuban chicken  soup is traditionally made of chicken, vegetables and Fideos (noodles). Cubans make soup with whatever they have available. Soup is something that we all can relate to our childhoods. It’s something that always makes me think of my abuela. Today I made soup with what was in my kitchen because my family is sick with the Flu. As they say in Cuba this soup revive los muertos “it raises the dead”. It has everything in it “con todo los hierros”. 


4 Chicken thighs halves 

Noodles to taste 

1 Chayote 

4 Carrots 

3 Corn 

1 cup Broccoli rabe

3 Potato

2 Calabacín -squash

1 Onions

6 Garlic

1/2 green & red Peppers

1 Bayleaf 

Lime juice

2 Tbsp Sazón completa 

2 cubitos

1 tsp Oregano 

S & P to taste

Add 4 cups water to a pot add chicken thighs cut in halves, corn, broccoli rabe, bayleaf, onions, garlic, peppers. Add 2 chicken bouillon cubes, Sazon completa, oregano, salt & pepper 

Boil chicken for 2 hours then add the carrots , chayote, potatoes. Cook until soft. Once softened add the squash &  noodles last. Finish by add a lime juice.


 4 mitades de muslos de pollo

 Tallarines al gusto

 1 chayote

 4 zanahorias

 3 maíz

 1 taza de brócoli rabe

 3 patatas

 2 Calabacín -squash

 1 cebolla

 6 Ajos

 1/2 pimiento verde y rojo

 1 hoja de laurel

 Jugo de lima

 2 cucharadas de Sazón completa

 2 cubitos

 1 cucharadita de orégano

 S & P al gusto

 Agregue 4 tazas de agua a una olla, agregue muslos de pollo cortados en mitades, maíz, brócoli rabe, laurel, cebollas, ajo, pimientos.  Agregue 2 cubos de caldo de pollo, Sazon completa, orégano, sal y pimienta

 Hierva el pollo durante 2 horas y luego agregue las zanahorias, el chayote, las papas.  Cocine hasta que esté suave.  Una vez ablandado, agregue la calabaza y los fideos al final.  Terminar agregando un jugo de lima.


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