
Showing posts from April, 2021

Cuban cooking

What makes Cuban food so delicious? Cuban food is always full of sabor but not spicy. Sofrito is the base for all Cuban cooking. It’s the Holy trinity. Peppers, such as Aji Dulces (Cachuchas) are commonly used along with onion, and garlic. Tomatoes are sometimes used also to create a tomato Sofrito. Spices commonly used are cumin, oregano, bay leaf, salt, pepper. Parsley is also used and occasionally cilantro. Wine is also used commonly in Cuban cooking & beer is used occasionally. Olive oil is commonly used in Cuban cooking but vegetables oils are also used to deep fry. Mojo is a marinade used in Cuban cooking to marinate pork, beef, chicken, fish and vegetables. It’s made of citric juices (lime or lemon), garlic, onion, olive oil and spices. Common vegetables used are beans especially black beans. Root vegetables such as potatoes, yuca, boniato, calabaza and malanga is used. Pork is a staple in Cuban cooking as it was easily accessible on the island & fed a large family. Pork

Lelita’s Cuban kitchen

    Hi my name is Lelita Diaz. I’m American of Cuban & Jamaican descent. The Caribbean has always been in my blood. I started this blog to initially leave recipes behind for my children. But I realized that so many people wanted to learn Cuban recipes lost when their parents or abuelos died. That’s why I decided to start my Youtube channel & this blog. I also have a large Facebook group that many people enjoy. Other places you can find me are on Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok & Reddit. I post  weekly recipes on my Blog. Don’t forget to visit my channel as well. I post on Sundays. Thanks for stopping by. 😊🇨🇺